Our Mission
Rosa Parks is a community of resilient individuals equipped with the knowledge and skills to create pathways to opportunities in life.
Rosa Parks is a Superintendent Priority K-8 School where students learn to be successful in a healthy, safe environment. Rosa Parks also gives students a rigorous, project-based learning experience in a 21st century classroom.
Students will be prepared for high school and for the
conceptual/digital age from exposure of diverse technological
media and various clubs
and classroom activities. In addition, community partners will
provide mentoring and extra-curricular activities for Rosa Parks’
students. Students needing intervention, including English
Learners, will receive exemplary instruction to ensure academic
and linguistic proficiency through support programs and
additional instructional time. Come be a part of the New Rosa
Family Engagement
Parent, family, and community involvement in education correlates with higher academic performance and school improvement. When schools, parents, families, and communities work together to support learning, students tend to earn higher grades, attend school more regularly, stay in school longer, and enroll in higher level programs.
At Rosa Parks K-8, we welcome parents as partners. We believe students perform better and are more successful when their parents are actively engaged in their learning. We are committed to partnering with you as you guide and support your student.
Rosa Parks School Site Council
What is School Site Council? California Education Code 52852 requires that a School Site Council shall be established at each school that participates in Title I or LCFF supplemental/concentration grant funding.
The School Site Council is a team comprised of the school staff, parent(s)/guardians, and/or community members, and students (when appropriate).
School Site Council members are elected, with teachers electing teachers, parents/guardians electing parents/guardians/community members, and students electing students.
Positive Behavior Intervention & Support (PBIS)
School Wide Rules and Expectations
At Rosa Parks K-8 School, we are pleased to share the features of Rosa Parks K-8 Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) framework with you. The goal of this framework is to increase our school’s capacity to address the behavioral support needs of all students and staff effectively and efficiently.
Enrollment Information
For information about enrollment including the following, please contact the Sacramento City Unified Enrollment Center.
- Kindergarten registration
- Transfer request
- New student enrollment
- Returning student enrollment
- PreK registration
- Open enrollment
For more information click here to visit the Enrollment Center website.
School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
The School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) is a document that represents a school’s cycle of continuous improvement of student performance. The annual process of developing, reviewing, and updating the SPSA includes a comprehensive review of data and the development of actions necessary to achieve school goals. The plan also addresses funding and proposed expenditures related to state and federal categorical programs and the overall goals of our District’s Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP).
School Accountability Report Card (SARC)
The School Accountability Report Card (SARC) annually provides parents and the community with important information about each public school including the school’s demographics, instructional materials, condition of facilities, staffing, and recent performance on the state assessments.
Need to contact us?
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 7:45am-3:00pm
Main Office: 916-395-5327
Attendance: 916-395-5328
Records Request: gabriela-aguilar@scusd.edu